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Process requirements for spring hanger
Added:2017-08-07     Views:

The production of spring support and hanger is large, and most of them are centralized prefabrication.

L, the material that conforms to the design requirements shall be made. The material of the spring support hanger should be free of corrosion and crack, and shall have the product qualification certificate and the specifications meet the requirements.

2 mark off the material according to the size of the spring hanger material and then cut it off. Try to cut off by mechanical method. If the conditions, by cutting off when the incision with the wheel will oxide polishing, cut section should be flush and smooth.

3, support drilling drilling applications or drill punch, the hole diameter should be higher than the diameter of 1 2mm. or pipe hanger

4, the preparation of the clasp with pipe hanger bar or flat plate, the arc should be smooth and uniform, the snap ring inner circle should be consistent with the pipe diameter.

U shape cards should be threaded first and then bent

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